This is an effort by the citizens of Lakewood Ranch, Florida, to improve our Bike and Pedestrian Trails in our Community. Our planning effort begins in October 2020. We are looking for citizen volunteers to help with this process. The current plan is shown below:
Trail Map
Lakewood Ranch is a well planned community east of Sarasota and Bradenton. In general our local streets are safe for bikes and pedestrians.
Our main thoroughfares, however, need work. Bikeways along Lakewood Ranch Blvd, University, Route 70, and other major routes vary in dimension. Near Main Street Lakewood Ranch Blvd includes a 3 foot wide bike lane and a sidewalk 4 to 5 feet wide. At rush hour cars often travel fast, making biking on this road dangerous. Older and younger riders use the sidewalk, which is too narrow for bikes and pedestrians. And the bikelane disappears near University.
Our commercial areas are of course along our major commercial avenues of University, Route 70, Route 64, and Fruitville. And it is these thoroughfares where we need to spend more effort. In most cases there is sufficent right of way to construct a combined bike and pedestrian path that is safe and convenient.
Our plan summary is where feasible expand the sidewalk along our major thoroughfares into a quality combined bike and pedestrian path.